[Seminar] INPAC-Seminar 137:Search for Muon to Electron Conversion at J-PARC - the COMET Experiment (Yoshitaka Kuno, Nov.07, 2013)
Thursday 2013.11
Speaker: Prof. Yoshitaka Kuno, Dept. of Physics, Osaka University, Japan
Date: 13:00-14:00, November 07 (Thursday), 2013
Location: Room 616 Physics Building
[Seminar] INPAC-Seminar 135:Challenges and opportunities in the quark-flavour sector (Yuehong Xie, Oct.24, 2013)
Thursday 2013.10
Speaker: Prof. Yuehong Xie, Central China Normal University
Date: 13:00-14:00, October 24 (Thursday), 2013
Location: Lecture Hall/INPAC
[Seminar] CMP-Seminar:Pure spin currents in submicron metallic structures (Yi Ji, Oct.15, 2013)
Tuesday 2013.10
Speaker: Yi Ji, University of Delaware
Date: 14:00-15:00, 15th, October, 2013
Location: Room 111, Physics Building
[Seminar] INPAC-Seminar 134:Introduction to Circular Electron-positron Collider (CEPC) (Manqi Ruan, Oct.13, 2013)
Sunday 2013.10
Speaker: Dr. Manqi Ruan, IHEP, CAS
Date: 14:00-15:00, October 13 (Sunday), 2013
Location: Lecture Hall/INPAC
[Seminar] INS seminars 74: Mechanisms of molecular transport across lipid bilayer membranes (Martin Ulmschneider, Oct.10, 2013)
Sunday 2013.10
Speaker: Martin Ulmschneider, John Hopkins University, Baltimore MA
Date: 10:20am-11:20am, October 13, 2013 (Thursday)
Location: 601 Pao Yue-Kong Library
[Seminar] CAA-Seminar 12:Fundamental Physics from the Planck Satellite, revealing Simplicity & Complexity (J. Richard Bond, Oct.11, 2013)
Friday 2013.10
Speaker: Professor J. Richard Bond, CITA
Date: 14:00-15:00,Oct.11(Friday), 2013
Location: CAA Lecture Hall,jianchuan Road 955
[Seminar] CAA-Seminar 07:Why the expansion of the Universe is accelerated (Diego Pavon, May.28, 2013)
Tuesday 2013.05
Speaker: Diego Pavon, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona
Date: 14:00-15:00,May.28(Tuesday), 2013
Location: CAA Lecture Hall,jianchuan Road 955
[Seminar] CAA-Seminar 08:The Dark Flow in the light of Planck latest results (Fernando Atrio Barandela, May.28, 2013)
Tuesday 2013.05
Speaker: Fernando Atrio Barandela
Date: 12:00--13:00,May.28 (Tuesday)
Location: Lecture Hall /CAA/NO.955,JianChuan Road,MinHang
[Seminar] CAA-Seminar 06:Searching for Missing Baryons with WMAP and PLANCK (Fernando Atrio Barandela, May.24, 2013)
Friday 2013.05
Speaker: Fernando Atrio Barandela, Universidad de Salamanca
Date: 14:00--15:00,May.24(Friday), 2013
Location: CAA Lecture Hall,jianchuan Road 955
[Seminar] INPAC-Seminar 127:Test of Local Realism with Entangled phi-phi Pairs at BESIII (Shen Xun, May.24, 2013)
Friday 2013.05
Speaker: Dr. Shen Xun, Peking University
Date: 12:30-13:30, May 24 (Friday), 2013
Location: Lecture Hall/INPAC