INPAC-Seminar 135
Title: Challenges and opportunities in the quark-flavour sector
Speaker: Prof. Yuehong Xie, Central China Normal University
Time and place: 13:00-14:00, October 24 (Thursday), 2013, Lecture Hall/INPAC
Recent results in the quark flavour sector are in good agreement with the Standard Model (SM). While this confirms the validity of the CKM mechanism in describing flavour and CP violation at current precision level, it also poses challenges in the flavor sector: we need to search for phenomena beyond the SM in higher precision and wider scope. After introducing the challenges, the speaker will share his first-hand experience in turning challenges into opportunities, with the intention to motivate young students and researchers to be more innovative in scientific research.
BSc and MSc in theoretical physics, Nankai University
PhD in particle physics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1998
1999-2001 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Italy
2002-2003 Scientific Associate, European Organization for Nuclear Physics, Switzerland
2004-2013 Senior Research Scientist, University of Edinburgh, UK.
2013 Professor of physics, Central China Normal University
Field of interests
Precision test of the Standard Model and search for phenomena beyond the SM in the flavor sector
Representative Achievements and Innovations
Leading the most precise measurement of the Bs meson mixing phase φs , one of the most important physics results from LHCb
Development of the theoretical method that led to the first determination of the sign of the Bs decay width difference ΔΓs
Development of the sFit method for background treatment in data fitting, which has benefitted many LHCb data analyses
Proposal of a method for probing right-handed new physics in Bs → φγ , which made it a key physics goal for LHCb detector upgrade
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