Some personal views on quantum field theory: past, present, and future

日期:2019-07-10 阅读:1246


A knowledge of quantum field theory is not required to understand this talk. In fact, it is partially addressed to the question of why anybody would need to study quantum field theory. I will give some of my views on quantum field theory. The talk is based loosely and partly on my textbook "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell."


Prof. Anthony Zee received his BSc from Princeton University, and his PhD from Harvard University in 1970. Currently, he holds a joint professor position at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Physics department of University of California, Santa Barbara. Prof. Zee is well known for his contributions to quantum field theory in different contexts, ranging from high-energy physics and cosmology, to condensed matter and biophysics. Apart from coauthoring more than 200 research papers, he has been a prolific author of both academic textbooks (on field theory, gravity, and group theory) and general public books (on symmetries, Einstein’s universe, and Chinese food and culture). Prof. Zee is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 2014, and has been awarded numerous fellowships as a visiting scholar, including the Alexander von Humboldt fellowship in Munich (2014-2018) and the Radcliff Institute fellowship in Harvard (2006-2007).


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