Peng Yuan Researcher
  • Institute of Laser Plasma Physics
  • 超短超强激光
  • Room 517, No. 2 Science Building
  • pengyuan@sjtu.edu.cn


作为项目负责人,他承担了2项国家重大专项课题,3项国家863计划课题和2项国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目。作为强激光科技部创新团队的核心骨干,他在实验上负责实施了团队的国家重大科研项目,如科技部A类973项目的课题等。2010年入选上海市“晨光计划”。共发表SCI 论文87篇,授权发明专利21 项(含美国专利9 项),5 项工作入选中国光学年度重要成果,有关信噪比单次测量的成果获得教育部技术发明一等奖(排名3)。

  1. “Single-shot cross-correlator for pulse-contrast characterization of high peak-power lasers”, Ma JG, Yuan P, Wang J, Xie GQ, Zhu HY, and Qian LJ, HIGH POWER LASER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 6, e61, 2018.

  2. “Spatiotemporal coherent noise in frequency-domain optical parametric amplification” , Wang J, Ma JG, Yuan P, Tang DL, Zhou BJ, Xie GQ, and Qian LJ, OPTICS EXPRESS, 26(8), 10953-10967, 2018.

  3. “Nonlinear beat noise in optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification”, Wang J, Ma JG, Yuan P, Tang DL, Zhou BJ, Xie GQ, and Qian LJ, OPTICS EXPRESS, 25(24) 29769-29777, 2017.

  4. “Temperature-insensitive second-harmonic generation based on noncollinear phase matching in a lithium triborate crystal”, Tang DL, Wang J, Zhou BJ, Xie GQ, Ma JG, Yuan P, Zhu HY, and Qian LJ, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, 34(8) 1659-1668, 2017.

  5. “Temperature- and wavelength-insensitive parametric amplification enabled by noncollinear achromatic phase-matching”, Tang DL, Ma JG, Wang J, Zhou BJ, Xie GQ, Yuan P, Zhu HY, and Qian LJ,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 6, 36059, 2016.

  6. “Scattering-initiated parametric noise in optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification”, Wang J, Ma JG, Yuan P, Tang DL, Zhou BJ, Xie GQ, and Qian LJ, Optics Letters, 40(14), 3396-3399, 2015.

  7. “Noise filtering in parametric amplification by dressing the seed beam with spatial chirp”, Wang, J; Ma JG; Wang YZ, Yuan P, Xie GQ, and Qian LJ, OPTICS LETTERS 39(8), 2439-2442, 2014.

  8. “Temperature-insensitive frequency tripling for generating high-average power UV lasers”, Zhong HZ, Yuan P, Wen SC, and Qian LJ, OPTICS EXPRESS, 22(4) 4267-4276, 2014.

  9. “Surface-reflection-initiated pulse-contrast degradation in an optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier”, Wang J, Yuan P, Ma JG, Wang YZ, Xie GQ, and Qian LJ, OPTICS EXPRESS, 21(13), 15580-15594 2013.

  10. “Generation of 120 GW mid-infrared pulses from a widely tunable noncollinear optical parametric amplifier”, Zhao K, Zhong HZ, Yuan P, Xie GQ, Wang J, Ma JG, and Qian LJ, OPTICS LETTERS, 38(13), 2159-2161, 2013.

  11. “Single-shot pulse-contrast measurement based on high-order quasi-phase-matching cross-correlation”, Ma JG, Wang YZ, Yuan P, Xie GQ, Zhu HY, and Qian LJ, OPTICS LETTERS, 37(21), 4476-4488, 2012.

  12.  “Single-shot cross-correlator using a long-wavelength sampling pulse”,  Ma JG, Yuan P, Wang YZ, Zhang DF, Zhu HY, and Qian LJ, OPTICS LETTERS, 36(6), 978-980, 2011.

  13. “High-contrast near-IR short pulses generated by a mid-IR optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier with frequency doubling”, Yuan P, Xie GQ, Zhang DF, Zhong HZ, and Qian LJ, OPTICS LETTERS, 35, 1878, 2010.

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