Wei Wang Professor 国家“杰出青年” (2021 年)
  • Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
  • Theoretical Particle Physics
  • 021-54743176
  • Room 628, No. 5 Science Building
  • wei.wang AT sjtu.edu.cn

 Prof. Wang received his PhD in Theoretical Physics in 2009 from Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS. Later he held a postdoctoral research fellowship in INFN, Bari (2009-2010) and Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, DESY, Hamburg (2010-2012). Then he moved to Bonn University and working in HISKP as a postdoctoral research fellow. He joined Shanghai Jiao-Tong University in 2014 as a Distinguished Research Fellow, Tenure-track Assistant Professor.

 Prof. Wang has (co)authored more than 50 SCI papers published in scientific journals, including Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D, Physics Letters B, Journal of High Energy Physics, European Physics Journal C/A. His partial publications and preprints as well as the citations can also be found in INSPIRE.  In 2013, he has been selected as a Distinguished Referee of European Physics Journal.

Research Interests:
Heavy flavor physics (especially b quark) and CP violation, QCD and hadron physics; Phenomenology at the LHC.

  1. Production of charm-strange hadronic molecules at the LHC Feng-Kun Guo, Ulf-G. Meissner, Wei Wang, Zhi Yang Published in JHEP 1405 (2014) 138

  2. Hunting for the Xb via Radiative Decays Gang Li, Wei Wang Published in Phys.Lett. B733 (2014) 100-104

  3. Generalized Heavy-to-Light Form Factors in Light-Cone Sum Rules Ulf-G. Meissner, Wei Wang Published in Phys.Lett. B730 (2014) 336-341

  4. Penguin Pollution in B→J/ψV Decays and Impact on the Extraction of theBs−Bsbar mixing phase Xin Liu, Wei Wang, Yuehong Xie Published in Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 094010

  5. Chiral Dynamics and S-wave Contributions in Semileptonic B decays Michael Doring, Ulf-G. Meissner, Wei Wang Published in JHEP 1310 (2013) 011

  6. CP violation effects on the measurement of γ from B→DK Wei Wang Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 110 (2013) 6, 061802

  7. Transverse Energy-Energy Correlations in Next-to-Leading Order in αs at the LHC Ahmed Ali, Fernando Barreiro, Javier Llorente, Wei Wang Published in Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 114017

  8. Analysis of B→K∗J(→Kπ)μ+μ−in the higher kaon resonance region Cai-Dian Lu , Wei Wang Published in Phys.Rev. D85 (2012) 034014

  9. Tetraquark Interpretation of Charged Bottomonium-like states Zb(10610) and Zb(10650) and Implications Ahmed Ali, Christian Hambrock, Wei Wang Published in Phys.Rev. D85 (2012) 054011

  10. Production of the Exotic Hadrons ϕ(2170), X(4260) and Yb(10890) at the LHC and Tevatron via the Drell-Yan Mechanism Ahmed Ali, Wei Wang Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 106 (2011) 192001

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