Developed the multi-channel quantum number deficit theory; applied quantum electrodynamics to high-energy atomic processes, elucidating the intrinsic relationship between electron bremsstrahlung processes (in the high-energy photon energy region) and radiation recombination processes; established a relativistic multi-channel quantum number deficit theory, laying a theoretical foundation for analyzing the excited state energy level structures of highly ionized, high-Z atoms; developed a non-relativistic multiple scattering molecular self-consistent field computational method, which clarified the electronic structure of Rydberg states in molecules; and concurrently established a multi-channel theory calculation method beyond the atomic self-consistent field approach, aimed at clarifying the effects of electron correlation.
Spectroscopy and Collision Theory: The Ar Absorption Spectrum,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li), K.T.Lu;Physical Review A8 (1973) 1241
Variational Calculation of R-matrix: Application to Ar Photoabsorption,U.Fano, C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li);Physical Review Letter 31 (1973) 1573
Spectroscopy and Collision Theory: Atomic Eigenchannel Calculation by a Hartree-Fock-Roothaan Method,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li);Physical Review A10 (1974) 584
Spin Polarization and Angular Distribution of Photoelectrons in Jacob-Wick Helicity Formalism: Application to Autoionzation Resonances,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li);Physical Review A10 (1974) 1598
Multichalnnel Photodetachment Theory,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li); Physical Review A11 (1975) 1692
Comment on Structure near the Cut-off Of the Continuous X-ray Spectrum of Lanthanum,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li), R.H.Pratt;Physical Review A12 (1975) 707
Radiative Capture of High-energy Electrons,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li), R.H.Pratt;Physical Review A12 (1975) 1825
The Electron Bremsstrahlung Spectrum 1-500 keV,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li), L.Kissel, R.H.Pratt, H.K.Tseng;Physical Review A13 (1976) 1714
Radiative Electron Capture by Mo Ions,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li), R.H.Pratt;Physical Review A14 (1976) 990
Multichannel Dissociative Recombination Theory,C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li);Physical Review A16 (1977) 109
Application of Low Energy Theorem in Electron Bremsstrahlung,R.H.Pratt, C.M.Lee(Jia-Ming Li);Physical Review A16 (1977) 1733
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