Research Interests:
参与或主持的国家自然基金课题有:1、准晶的物理性质,2、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划——理论物理学及其交叉科学若干前沿问题,3、悬浮液中微(纳)米颗粒的相互作用(主持),4、国家973项目子项目 《 新型量子材料中电子内禀自由度的调控 》。
Mechanism of morphological transition in hetero-epitaxial growth of metal films,Li Cui-Lian and Hu Kin-Chun, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 96, 093101 (2010).
Curvature effect on the surface diffusion of silver adatoms on carbon nanotubes,Wu Ming-Chyaand Li Cui-Lian, Phys. Rev. B 74,125424 (2006).
The densitydistribution of thecounter-ions and theco-ions confined intwo similarly charged plates, Li Cuilian and Ma Hongru, J. Chem. Phys. Vol.121, No.4, 22 July, 2004.
Low-temperature lattice excitation of Icosahedral Al-Mn-Pd quasicrystal, Physical Review B Vol.63,064203(2001).
带质点杆的横振动特性研究, 李翠莲,大学物理 Vol.24, No. 11,23-26 (2005) (教学代表作)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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