Supernovae Ia have been used to measure distances in the Universe. The evidence for an acceleration of the cosmological expansion was a surprise to many in 1998. This acceleration can be explained by a cosmological constant, however particle physicists interpretation of the cosmological constant as vacuum energy cannot explain the observed value. This has lead to postulate the existence of a Dark energy component.
The initial supernovae measurements have been confirmed by a number of observations with cosmological microwave radiation, gravitational lensing and correlations between large scale structures (from galaxies to clusters), leading to a cosmos where only 4 to 6% of the density of energy is understood.
Dr. Tao Obtained Bachelor degree in Mathematics and Physics in Orsay (France) in 1975, Master and PhD from Harvard University in experimental high energy physics in 1979. Afterwards she joined the CERN UA1 team as a CERN fellow, and got a permanent position in French CNRS in 1985. Recently she joined Tsinghua University in Beijing as director of Tsinghua's Center for Astrophysics.