Filling the ultrafast gap: Free-electron Laser & Ultrafast Electron Diffraction

日期:2012-11-21 阅读:1231


X-ray sciences have seen an explosive growth in the last few decades thanks to the advance in the electron storage ring and insertion device technologies, giving rise to the drastic increase in the x-ray brightness.  Advance in laser technology has been similarly spectacular; chirped pulse amplification (CPA) technique leading to femtosecond Petra-watts pulses; and have opened up new frontiers in laser spectroscopy, strong-field physics and dynamics studies. To understand basic properties of quantum materials,  to control the chemical and biological process, a scientific tool simultaneously has atomic spatial and temporal resolutions is required.   But there is a gap in those technologies (X-ray has the atomic spatial resolution while laser technology possesses the ultrafast capability), Free-electron laser (FEL) and ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) are two of the most powerful tools to fill this ultrafast gap. After briefly review the basic properties of FEL and UED, I will discuss critical technology developments, especially the high-brightness electron source, leading to the recent success of X-ray FEL and MeV UED.


王西杰(Professor Xijie Wang),beat365中文版官方网站致远讲席教授。1992年在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得博士学位。1993年以助理物理研究员身份正式加入美国布鲁克海文国家实验室,并分别于1995年和1997年晋升为副物理研究员和物理研究员。鉴于他在布鲁克海文国家实验室加速器实验装置中表现出的领导才能以及他在超快电子束研究和发展中的先驱性工作,他于2001年获得布鲁克海文国家实验室终身研究员职位。王西杰博士在超快电子束设计和组装的光阴极射频枪在世界上首次实现了从HGHG到SASE自由电子激光的饱和增益等等。王西杰博士最先完成了利用射频偏转板测量高能电子聚束长度的可行性研究,并提议在第一台X射线自由电子激光器LCLS上实现。


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