Laser control of electrons in molecular systems has attracted considerable attention. In particular, π electrons in aromatic molecules have potential usefulness for organic nano-electronics and opto-electronics. In the planar aromatic molecules π electrons create electronic angular momentum perpendicular to their aromatic ring; that is, the electronic ring current is only within the molecular plane. Nonplanar chiral aromatic molecules, on the other hand, are candidates for use as building blocks of multidimensional switching devices because the π electrons can generate ring currents with a variety of directions.
In this talk I employed (P)-2,2′-biphenol which is a typical nonplanar chiral aromatic molecule with axial chirality. Since (P)-2,2’-biphenol is nonplanar, the resultant angular momentum is not one-dimensional. I will show the results of numerical simulations of the time-dependent coherent angular momentum and ring current of (P)-2,2’-biphenol excited by ultrashort linearly polarized UV pulses.
1974年12月10日出生。1997年和1999年在东京大学获得工学学士和理学硕士学位,2002年在东京大学物理系获得博士学位。2002年在台湾大学物理系从事博士后研究,后来在中央研究院物理所(2002.08-2003.07),台大物理系(2003.08-2005.07),中研院原分所(2005.08-2007.10, 2012.11-2013.07),台大应力所(2007.11-2012.10)从事博士后研究。2013年8月受聘於中研院原分所,助理研究学者。
Host: Jie CHEN jiec@sjtu.edu.cn
Contact: Min ZHU zhumin@sjtu.edu.cn