In this talk I will report some of my recent work about rotating magneto-hydrodynamics applied to understanding the physics in planetary and stellar interiors. Firstly, the effect of precession on Earth's magnetic field is studied numerically. It is found that precession combined with convection facilitates the generation of Earth's magnetic field. Secondly, the interaction of differential rotation and a misaligned magnetic field is studied numerically. It is found that the misaligned field suppresses the differential rotation. This result can be applied to the uniform rotation in the solar radiation zone. Thirdly, the dynamical tide is studied analytically and numerically. It is found that magnetic field splits the resonant frequency of tidal wave, and that nonlinear effect suppresses the tidal dissipation at the resonant frequency.
Xing Wei studied undergraduate and master in mechanics of Tsinghua university from 1998 to 2004, and his PhD in fluid mechanics of Cambridge university from 2004 to 2008. After PhD, he worked as a postdoc in geophysics of ETH Zurich for two years and then in geophysics of Gottingen university for another two years. He is now working as a research scholar in astrophysics of Princeton university.